Hibiscus Blueberry Mead

Hibiscus Blueberry


Flagship Mead
Packaging: 330ml bottles, 20l UniKeg
Alcohol Content: 5.5%

Mead Madness Cup 2020, Silver for Category M4S Session and mead under 7.5% ABV

A dark crimson, floral, berry-flavoured mead in a beer style at 5.5% ABV. We’ve steeped whole dried hibiscus flowers to extract the flavour and colour into a tea, and ferment it with our custom blend of eucalyptus honey. We then finish off the mead with both, whole-crushed and pureed blueberries. The result is a tannin-rich, floral mead with a dry wine-like finish that is excellent with any meal consisting of red meat. As with all our meads, the Hibiscus Blueberry is made from natural ingredients with no additives, artificial sweeteners or colouring. Lovely in both sight and taste.