Frequently Asked Questions

While being out and about, we’ve met many wonderful people and made a good number of friends. Understandably, with mead being something of a niche, we’ve had a good many question asked of us. We figured it might be a good idea to maintain a FAQ and keep adding to it as time goes by. As the old adage goes, “Curiosity might have killed the cat” but satisfaction will bring it back!

What is Mead?

Much like how beer and cider are separate categories of alcoholic beverages, mead is its own category as well. It is made by using yeast to ferment honey and water. Mead has a very storied legacy and is widely believed to be one of the oldest alcoholic beverage in the world. It’s particularly prominent in Norse mythology.

How do you pronounce ‘Mead’?

Say ‘meed’ like how you would ‘need’. Yup. Just like that.

Is Mead sweet?

It can be, but it’s not always the case. Mead is so versatile that it affords the brewer plenty of room for personal interpretation. It’s this versatility that makes mead such a fun drink to mess around with.